We were fortunate enough to have Keith Langsdale join us for our May meeting, where we were busy stuffing envelopes for another mailing.  Keith was in town to view a play he had written.  Needless to say, it was good to see him.Keith L..JPG (34512 bytes)

Keith, Tim Turner and Pam Lene.

mailing.JPG (45493 bytes)Lindsay, Craig and Tammy stuffing envelopes.

group.JPG (46620 bytes)

The committee, plus Keith Langsdale



Fourth of July at Tammy and Mike's

We never need an excuse to get together, and sometimes our spouses and parents join us.

two Pams.jpg (56058 bytes)The two Pam's

Carolyn & Ed.jpg (100469 bytes)Carolyn and Ed Bassemeier


 Hank and Joyce Deicken with Mike and Kathy Deickens.jpg (108639 bytes)Roberts in the background