Benjamin Bosse High School
The Bulldog Odyssey of 2001 is only a memory now, but it is a good one. The committee was a little afraid that this reunion was not going to be a success. The response was a lot less than expected, and several who sent in reservations did not attend. Some attended Friday night only, and some Saturday only.
But those who attended either one or both nights seemed to have enjoyed themselves, and even those who were attending their first reunion wondered why they had not attended others.
We had a rousing good time, and wish to thank all those classmates who made it such an enjoyable event.
We even had several gate crashers who had heard of our "famous" reunions.
All in all, it is another reunion that will go down as one of a kind, and an experience that won't soon be forgotten.
To all of those classmates who wouldn't or couldn't attend, you missed a really great night, and we hope you all will be looking forward to 2006 for the big 40th. Criminy, that is a scary thought.
There are new photos on the photos page, and a new comments page. Check them out, and happy bulldogging to all of Bosse's Best!
Bosse Class of ’66, 120 N. Red Bank RD, Evansville, IN 47712. NEED MORE INFORMATION? Call Tammy (Dayvolt) Cole at (812) 425-9628 or e-mail us.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________